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Where to buy sand ginger in vietnam ?

Sand ginger is one of the names for Kaempferia galanga. It is call “ Kencur” in Indonesian and Malaysian . We are proud of one top company export vietnam sand ginger to Indoneisa in 2020.

Vietnam sand ginger has smaller size than china sand ginger. However they are better quality about taste and flavor.

Greater galangal rhizomes are typically thicker than those of lesser galangal. The flavor of greater galangal is best described as being floral with cinnamon elements. The flavor of sand ginger generally the same, though the latter is said to be more medicinal with a noticeable piney astringency. Both have the distinctive pepperiness that is commonly associated with ginger. While galangal lacks some aspects of sand ginger’s flavor, it is easily the closest option to it that you will find anywhere

We supply fresh sand ginger from vietnam with very good price, cheap and good quality .

Where to buy sand ginger in vietnam ?

Who is direct supplier of vietnam sand ginger ?

…That’s our. Please text to me here or  by whatsapp 84931325859 or linkdin 

We are available to serve you.

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